InnovaSUMP "Innovations in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for low-carbon urban transport" is being implemented since January 2017 under the Interreg Europe Programme. InnovaSUMP is completing a four-year interregional cooperation between European transport actors and local government authorities for the adoption of innovations on travel behavior, pricing and financing, planning for tourism and sustainable energy, in the partner-cities’ Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

The Municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos, partner of the InnovaSUMP project, organises the InnovaSUMP final conference, where the results and conclusions of its implementation will be presented.  

The main aim of the conference is the presentation of initiatives, practices, methodologies and conclusions, for the adoption and implementation of improved Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans that will incorporate the four (4) innovations of the project:

a) Integration of travel behaviour research and potential user response analyses

b) Integration of pricing and financing measures

c) Planning for visitors at tourism destinations

d) Harmonization between Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plans and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

The conference will facilitate dialog among participants to bring forward the deficiencies and obstacles, defined throughout the project implementation, regarding the development and implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

The project partners will present their experiences from the project and the implementation of their Action Plans. Good practices and the benefits of the innovations addressed by the InnovaSUMP project will be also presented.

The conference will be attended, in addition to project partners, by representatives of European agencies, networks and initiatives for transport and mobility, such as the European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility (DG MOVE), Eltis and CIVITAS, JASPERS, as well as local authorities and policy makers.

Have a look in the Agenda of the Conference and Speakers session.

